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Using filters

This article helps you to understand how filtering works in our enterprise app

Niko Naakka avatar
Written by Niko Naakka
Updated over 6 months ago

Sniffie filters are a tool which helps you to segment your data so that you can easily work with specific data sets. Filters are offered in all areas of the service.

This article will cover the following topics:

1. General info about filters

General info about filters

In general, there are three types of filtering options:

  • View-specific filters

  • Product filters + insights

  • Combination of view-specific filters and/or product filters + insights

Filters are generally displayed as chips. Chips are connected with and AND operator, meaning that each chip needs to be satisfied for the data to show up. In one filter chip, there can be multiple criteria. These are connected with OR operator, meaning that any one of those criteria is satisfied. For example, pasting 100 EANs in EAN filter will return data for any of those 100 EANs.

Price matrix and certain widgets have also have a local search bar, allowing you to drill down the data you have filtered

With the filtering system, you have also access to quick filters are filters that you can personalise, allowing you a quick access to that specific filter in majority of the view.

How to use filters

  1. Find the filtering icon in the view. In tables, strategies and widgets, the filtering icon is located at the top of the table (image below).

    Filter system in product catalog table with one filter enabled. Quick filters are at the right, indicated with a dashed outline in the filter chip. Enabled filter is the blue filter chip. The left-most chip indicates how many filters have been enabled, and hover displays a breakdown of all currently enabled filters.

  2. If you click the left-most button with the filter icon, you will open the Filter Drawer, which populates with all filters that view has. Each view can have either just filters specific for that view, or product filter + insights, or a combination of above.

    An example of open drawer is below.

    Product filter drawer open. Blue filters are enabled, and dashed are quick selection filters. The grey button allows you to set up any filter property.

  3. With the option to filter with 'OR', you can

    • Streamline complex queries: Easily set up powerful searches to find exactly what you need without sifting through unrelated data.

    • Craft more specific pricing rules: When creating pricing strategies with dynamic filtering, you can now combine multiple filters within groups to get the products that match any of the selected criteria.

  4. Please note that using an OR condition will make the filtering system slower. To make it as snappy as possible, first use all the AND conditions and then the OR conditions at the end.
    Adding more OR conditions will make the filter to execute with O(n) complexity for that specific chip. For example, a filter with a, b in a single contains will execute twice as fast as the same in two sets of filters with each having contains a and contains b respectively (see images below)
    If you can get around with non-or conditions you make your filtering experience faster.

  5. Unless you are in a view where editing filters is disabled, you can remove currently enabled filters with the remove button (X) at the end of the blue filter chip.

  6. Unless you are in a view where editing filters is disabled, you can always edit a currently enabled filter by clicking the chip anywhere but the remove button. This will open filter edit menu for that filter (image below).

    You cannot apply a filter unless you have filled all values. In the case of editing, apply button is disable unless you have edited any filter property.

    ​Filter edit menu. Data field is the filterable data field. Operator is any filter operator specific to that data field type. Filter value is the value of that filter, if the operator allows you to set it up.

  7. Clicking the Add new filter button in the filter drawer allows you to set up any filter property that is not in your quick filters. If a filter with quick filter is enabled, it is not displayed as a quick filter option.

  8. You can clear all filters by clicking the Clear filters button at the top of the filter drawer in the left (image below). This will clear all filters specific to that view.

  9. In Price matrix and Dashboards, you can access the filter menu by clicking the filter icon at the top right of the views. This will open filter drawer similarly to table filters

Copy & paste filters from one place to another

In the Filter drawer, you can copy current filters to clipboard and paste those in another place.

Here is more detailed step-by-step guide of How to copy and restore filters.

Basically, when you copy the filters, they will be copied to your clipboard. This allows you to paste them in another place. Pasting will replace the filters in that specific place with the values you have in the clipboard.

Protip: This is great if you want to check with main Products view what are your Strategy filters, just copy those from your strategies and paste in your Products view! :)

If your browser does not support pasting from clipboard or you didn't give permissions for pasting from clipboard, you will be greeted with a modal with a text area component where you will need to paste the contents of the filters you have.

Copy & paste & filter bookmarks under filter drawer

Saving filters for future use

Saved filters are accessible in Filter drawer. Clicking on the button opens up a modal, where you can apply, edit or remove saved filters you have created.

Creating new saved filters happens by clicking the Add new button. When you save a filter for a future use, it will be accessible in all markets / accounts you have access to. When you are creating a new filter, the defaults are what are enabled in the place you triggered the bookmarks modal to open.

You can only apply one saved filter at a time. Applying a saved filter will override the values you have in the current place.

Applying a filter is done with enabling a switch and pressing the Apply button at the bottom of the modal. You can only apply one filter at a time, and when the switch is on, you cannot delete or edit the filter.

Editing the filter happens by clicking the edit icon next to the filter name. Deleting the filter happens by clicking the trashcan icon.

Saving filter sets also saves applicable insights.

Saved filters modal open with one filter set about to be applied

Setting up quick product filters

In your app profile, you can set up to 6 suggested quick product filters. If you have none setup, default quick filters will always be used.

You can edit and reset these in the following way.

  1. Navigate to your app profile

  2. Open the Set suggested product filters section of the view

  3. Select up to 6 properties in the select options. If you try to select more, an error message is displayed.

  4. Click Save, and now you have those quick filters everywhere.

  5. Clicking Clear will remove those quick filters and use the default quick filters specified by the system automatically.

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